FASHION & LIFESTYLE: Like It or Not, Every Girl Must Have LIPPYS Check this out

Sometimes wanting to look extremely sophisticated can end in a disaster. The thing about lippy is that you cannot just pick any shade of a particular color and apply on your lips, you have to ensure that it suits your skin tone i.e. when you pick a red lippy (a lipstick or lip stain), ensure it is suitable for your skin type.

When I first discovered my love for lippy and I was learning all I could about them, I was taught that one needed three basics(color), something dark (black, burgundy etc.), something bright (red, purple etc.) and something natural(nude). In this article I want to discuss the five colors that will easily agree with your style.
The red lipstick color is naturally associated with romantic, which adds radiance to skin tones, giving you a lovely and at the same time sexy appearance. I was asked to define red in one word and I simply said “HOT” so whether you are fair skinned or dark skinned, you are welcome to use red, but it is important to get the right shade of red lipstick.
red lippy
It is one of the trending lipstick colors at the moment. There are various shades of blue that suits different skin tones e.g. navy blue, bright blue, sky blue, etc. Dark skinned women are no exception in the use of this color. So if you want to look edgy or make an appealing statement look, I am sending a thousand kisses (make that fashion magic).
Purple is one of the coolest Lip colors. I call it the ‘NOTICE ME’ color and it exceptionally suits people with Smokey eyes. The application of this lip color should be moderate, makeup can be used to enhance the boldness of this statement lipstick.
It is absolutely suitable for all skin tones, it can be used for all occasions, office, party, casual you name it. It gives the lips the exact natural look you want. Nude is one of the easiest lippy to apply, I am usually shocked when I see people and they look as though they applied chalk to their lips. The right shade of nude is required to get that perfect natural look you want; you do not want to look horrendous after the use of a nude lippy.
nude lippy
Pink is one of the basic colors of lipstick very easy to acquire but one wrong move in its application can end in a horrible experience, you have to be careful when making any choice of a pink lippy. If you feel confused, ask for help from the makeup experts in the store where you are making the purchase. One thing is certain, you want to look chic? then you know pink is what you need.
pink lippy
Throughout this article I emphasized on getting the right shade of color that suits your skin tone. So when next you want to shop for a lippy (lipstick or lip stain), always have that in mind.

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